Cut the Crap

Cut The Crap is a campaign that aims to reduce the excess advertisement of fast food in Britain’s society...

It is estimated that the UK fast food industry is worth £96.1 billion. UK consumers spent £29.4 billion on fast food last year alone!

Who Are We...

Gabrielle Chudi is a young girl based in East London who has a passion both music and living a healthy lifestyle. After being bothered by fast food adverts constantly interrupting her favourite Youtube videos and TV shows, she began to understand that perhaps these adverts were influencing so many others to make unhealthy decisions and decided to tackle them. 

Ashanté Thomas-Burton is a girl passionate about food and healthy living. Growing up in south east London, she has seen the atrocities of food advertisement and wants to stop it by informing others about the heathier options out there, and fun ways to incorporate exercise in everyday life such as a local basketball team in her area.



What Are We Campaigning For

By constantly being bombarded with glamourised images of fast food, Britain is constantly being encouraged to live a detrimental lifestyle that will only perpetuate the rise of conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and everyday problems such as fatigue and irrational thinking. Through decreasing fast food advertisement we hope to create space in the media for healthier food platforms to promote a way of life that will benefit others and result in a happier, healthier Britain.

There has been a marked increase in obesity rates over the past eight years – in 1993 13% of men and 16% of women were obese – in 2011 this rose to 24% for men and 26% for women

Why Are We Doing It

Cut The Crap’s aim to reduce the exposure of fast food is important in today’s society where fast food corporates are expanding, which is resulting in the excess consumption of unhealthy food. It is crucial to tackle this as a person’s diet has a large effect on their daily lives. We want to ensure Britain and the government that if fast food advertising is decreased, there is a higher chance of British people opting for healthier choices. We assume that everyone wants to be the best they can be, so why not fuel your body with the best?

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