
Engaging London's youth in environmentalism, one art project at a time!

pARTicipate is a movement of young people looking to communicate, educate and raise awareness amongst young people, families and communities about living and working sustainably through creative means. We will create eye opening, interactive events and workshops, with a focus on participation and the arts. By linking individual actions to collective action, we would like to inspire young people to take actions towards a sustainable future.

We want to create a collective of passionate individuals looking to raise environmental awareness and bring communities together through creative means. We aim to inspire individuals to make conscious lifestyle choices that promote environmental sustainability with a focus on participation and the arts. Articipate will create an open platform to make information accessible, engaging and useful to the public to help them make positive, mindful decisions.

We applied for funding and successfully received £270 to run the project. This will allow us to prototype our ideas and see what creative environmental project is successful and impactful. The resources we aim to use will either be recycled or thrown away when carrying out workshops.

By running a workshop to promote upcycling as a way to reuse and recycle ordinary products, we engaged with parents to influence how they consume and throw away products. We also ran a creative workshops for kids to make plant pots out of plastic bottles as a way to engage in discussion of plastic waste and how we can improve the environment by encouraging young people to come up with innovative solutions. This can be an initial starting point for communities to reconsider how they consume and contribute to waste.

pARTicipate is seeking further funding to deliver a wider range of artistic workshops to tackle community cohesion and issues of environmental knowledge in some of our most deprived communities. 

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