On Tuesday 18 November, UpRising staged the Democracy Café at the Speakers State Rooms in the House of Commons as part of Parliament Week.

Having the opportunity to speak to MPs and debate issues with other young people has broadened my mind and helped me to express my opinions
The event brought together over 100 young people from across our projects all over the country and sat them down with MPs to discuss the issues that affect us all, five months before the General Election.
Talking in our groups with people from other regions, I saw they had views about issues that were different to mine, they also had ideas I had never thought about.
The event focussed on the top polling issues in the general public. Rather than simply discussing typical ‘young people’s issues’ the idea was to highlight how the concerns that affect young people are concerns that affect us all; and our UpRisers did not disappoint.
- 87% of our UpRisers stated the future of the NHS is important to them
- 98% of UpRisers think immigrants are poorly represented in the media
- 93% believe more needs to be done to tackle income inequality
- Only 33% of UpRisers thought that unpaid internships should be made illegal
- 75% of UpRisers believe we are too focussed on putting people in prison in the UK
Check out the full report here